Report on my chicks #3:vaccination period

in Stars9 months ago

Hello guys,this is my third post on the progress make so far,it has been a week already since I have bought the chicks in for rearing and today is one of their vaccination day,so went out early this morning and got them the vaccine(lasota),the solely purpose of this vaccination is to prevent the bird from any kind of disease may affect them in any ways,but before then,I had to clean up the poultry and make sure the environment is conducive for the birds,I would have snap the progress but I got too busy due to the work at hand,I always like to clean and sanitize the poultry every week because of diseases that might occur simply because their poultry is messed up with a lot of excretion.






Buying the vaccine gives me some type of hope that the chickens are going to be disease free,once there is an extra preventive measures,I think the chicken will yield quite well.I got 3 liters of water and added the vaccine with an 100 dosage
There is one more thing I got for them,which is,a led bulb,this will be useful for them at night,one thing about boiler chicken is that they tend to also feed at night if there is a light for them to navigate around.



So guys,that is that for today's keep up,catch me up on my next report post.✌✌

Thanks for checking out my content and have a lovely day.