Some proponents of technocracy argue that citizens lack the knowledge necessary to make informed judgments, especially on complex economic issues. However, this view underestimates the public's ability to discern truth and justice. The technicalities of bailout policy and confusing financial jargon may intimidate citizens, but this does not take away their right to decide the fate of their country.
The fear of possible economic catastrophe fueled by politicians and the media is palpable. With vivid images, for example, of military tanks protecting banks from an angry mob, the impression is that accepting the "bailout" is the only option. This fear is a control mechanism that clouds collective perception and threatens democracy.
Fortunately, people have an innate ability to detect deception, an insight that is not limited to educated people or those who speak fluent English and have access to the Internet. This "third eye" is essential for personal and collective empowerment and genuine democracy. Everyone has access to this insight, and we must trust it, especially in an environment of fear and manipulation.
The role of the media is crucial in this context. Without transparency, freedom of expression, and honest communication, there can be no true democracy. Democracies must also foster a culture that values individual ideas rather than venerating experts. Relying too much on academic credentials can suppress independent thinking and enable manipulation.
I believe there is a "soul of the nation," an entity linked to the country and its history that guides people collectively. Controlling this collective soul is futile and counterproductive and only teaches people the importance of freedom.
Democracy is essentially a decision of the soul of a people, taken care of by the integration of all members of society. Ignoring the voice of some members is like neglecting a painful splinter in a toenail that eventually leads to an infected and diseased body. The suffering of one member of society ultimately leads to the suffering of the whole community.
Those in power must recognize and respect all citizens' voices to ensure the nation's harmony and health. Ignoring the marginalized sections of society can lead to fragmentation and unrest. As energies shift toward unity and integration, rulers must embrace transparency and democratic values. The cacophony of a divided society can only be corrected by a true democracy that respects and includes all voices.
In conclusion, in the face of the current crisis, promoting insight, respecting all voices, and exercising true democracy is the only way forward. It is about saving the nation and ensuring the survival and healing of each individual's soul.