It's my birthday today

in Stars • 2 years ago

Today my mom was reminded how she carried a princess 🤴 in her womb for nine months, she was born on this day of the year.

A bundle of joy enter their house and the house was filled with joy and laughter, It was all in the air that a princess has just been born.

The day she was born held a meaning in her mom's life and the hospital she was born in can never forget the day this amazing princess was born.

The little princess grow gradually from a toddler till a young girl, from a young girl to a young lady and now she is a mother. A mother they never expected .

She was surrounded by a lot of people, people who loves her and care for her, people who doesn't like her but pretend to like her because they need her and people who doesn't like her and still show it to her that they didn't like her.

Actually, I was telling you about myself. Today is my birthday, and I wish myself many happy returns of the day. A birthday is once in a year and it is supposed to be remember and celebrate. I really thank my mom for giving birth to me and that is the best gift she ever gave me.

Happy birthday @leemah, wish myself an amazing year ahead

Thanks for checking on my blog and have a wonderful day


May all the best be with you.Happy Birthday, @leemah1.

Amen, thank you very much

May this be the best Bday yet!Happy Birthday @leemah1

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Thank you for the best wish