in HeartChurch5 years ago


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Unless we want to engage in self deceit, carrying one's cross to follow Christ is very costly.

We thank God that our lord Jesus Christ did not hide the truth about this from us.

If you are ever in doubt as to what the Lord Jesus Christ promised in this scripture verse, just try and read the story of people's life who have gained from pain.

Don't let your sorrow for sins committed be like thay of Judas Iscariot, rather let it be the godly kind that leads to genuine repentance . Don't feel sorry because you were not clever enough to escaoe being caught in that sinful act.

Rather feel sorry that you have disspointed your maker and reoent quickly before it is too late.

There is gain in goldy sorrow it produces repentance that opens the door of receiving divine forgiveness of sin and acquittal from judgement.

When your sins aee forgiven you are blessed.
This blessings is manifested in prompt answers to your prayers, permanent deliverance from the devils oppression and having the almightly God as your father.