Marriage, home and family are more than just a social institution. They are created by God, not by man. At first, God intended marriage for people. In the account of the first marriage, recorded in the book of Genesis 2:18, 24, the Lord makes four important statements: first, it is not good for a person to be alone; second, the woman is created to be an aid that corresponds to the man; third, two must be one flesh; and fourth, a man must leave his father and mother and join his wife.
Marriage itself should be treated as a sacred covenant made before God. A married couple has obligations not only to each other, but also to God. He promised his blessings to those who honor this covenant.
Loyalty to marriage vows is absolutely necessary for the family to live with love, trust and peace. The Lord unequivocally condemns adultery.
Many marriages begin wonderfully, but over time from past feelings there is no trace. For the marriage to last happily ever after, the couple needs to listen to the advice God gives them.
The Bible says that marriage is also a gift from God and that it provides its benefits. Jehovah said of the first man, Adam: “It is not good for a man to be alone. I will create an assistant to complement it ”(Genesis 2:18).
In the bible there are many teachings about marriage.
Jehovah created Adam's wife, Eve, and they became the first married couple on earth. In a family with children, spouses must do everything possible to raise them in an atmosphere of love and trust. But having children is not the only purpose of marriage (Psalm 127: 3; Ephesians 6: 1-4).
In a happy marriage, the husband and wife are not only spouses, but also close friends who are ready to support and comfort each other. Love strengthens marriage, but it is further strengthened by the joint worship of Jehovah. Then, the marriage becomes a "twisted triple rope" consisting of three closely intertwined threads. Such a rope is much stronger than that consisting of only two threads. Marriage will last if Jehovah is in him.
Some argue that only marriage can be happy. But this is not so. Jesus said celibacy can be a gift (Matthew 19:11, 12). And the apostle Paul said that celibacy has its advantages (1 Corinthians 7: 32–38). Getting married or not is your business. Therefore, do not succumb to pleas from friends or family and blindly follow the traditions adopted in your area.
Marriage gives a husband and wife the right to meet their sexual needs (Proverbs 5:18). But if someone is driven only by these impulses, it is unlikely that he can choose a good life partner. The Bible advises marriage only after the heyday of youth has passed, a period in which sexual desire is especially strong (1 Corinthians 7:36). It is better to wait with the marriage until the sexual impulses decrease. Then a person can think clearly and make a balanced decision (1 Corinthians 7: 9; James 1:15).
When choosing a life partner, it is important to keep this biblical principle in mind: "Do not engage in an unequal yoke with unbelievers" (2 Corinthians 6:14).
The secret of a happy marriage is to serve God and others. The purpose of marriage is unity and cohesion, as well as individual development. As paradoxical as it may seem, the more we serve, the greater our spiritual and emotional growth will be
I want to comment on what you said:
'Many marriages begin wonderfully, but over time from past feelings there is no trace. For the marriage to last happily ever after, the couple needs to listen to the advice God gives them.'
That is why I will teach that non-christians do not understand love that the Bible says that marriage should be based on.
I will say that when most people think that they are in 'love' and should get married because of that love, then they are proably confusing love with lust.
@tipu curate
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