Aprecia lo que tienes

in HeartChurch3 years ago

fuente pixabay[https://pixabay.com/es/photos/hombre-vespa-scooter-ciclomotor-2517011/]

There are many people who have something and do not value it, there are many people who wish they had it and do not get it.

A special point in life is to have gratitude, something that not many agree as they win, some hope to win more and more they will never do according to what they win they will always want to win more than expected, a player of Professional baseball earns a certain amount with the team that plays but he says in his heart if there is another team that pays better, I'm leaving, there are people who work in small companies but earn little if I get where they pay more, I'm going ...

There is nothing that conforms to the human way of our walk we will always hope to earn more and more, even if you are in a job with more comforts there is always time to complain, but when you leave the place sometimes you would like to be there, and This is everything in life, many times there are people who do not value other people after they leave, it is that they value the person because they do not do it in life or while you are with that person, first of all, they always appreciate what you have because they do not know how much they can to last.


fuente pixabay[https://www.istockphoto.com/es/foto/por-fin-su-momento-para-brillar-gm604006424-103724165?utm_source=pixabay&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=SRP_image_sponsored&referrer_url=http%3A%2F%2Fpixabay.com%2Fes%2Fimages%2Fsearch%2Faprecio%2520%2F&utm_term=aprecio]