in HeartChurch4 years ago

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   (Monday in the 4th Week OT)

Readings:Hebrews 11:32-40, Psalm 31, & Mark 5:1-20.

"Go home to your family and announce to them all that the Lord in his pity has done for you" (Mark1:19).

Jesus is Lord praise him now and forever. Most of the times in the ministry of Jesus, he restrained people from revealing his miraculous deeds. Today from the gospel he asks the cured man who was possessed to go and announce to his family what the Lord has done for him.

What is happening here? Does Jesus want to make name for himself or what? What kind of family is he talking about, immediate or Christian family?

Jesus does not want to show off, but to does this so that the glory of God may be manifested. Again we are call to witness or reach out to our families (immediate and the Christian family) the gospel of the Lord.

Friends, who am I called to witness to? Have I in any way witnessed to my family of God's mercy toward me? Lord Jesus Christ, remove from us any evil that has power over our lives and give us freedom. We also pray that the faith of the early Christians may encourage us on our Christian journey. God bless us all. Peace and joy, Amen.