Esther is a very special case of favour that came by several opportunities that she took advantage of. She did not despise the privilege of being fathered by her cousin Mordecai, as she obeyed him implicitly and completely. She obeyed him in taking advantage of the opportunity to contest for the queenship of Persia. There was no reason why she should have applied to contest because she was the least qualified; but she did not take her cousin for granted. She saw him as her opportunity to a favourable destiny.
But more than the opportunities, she was a young lady that was filled with wisdom as well. She just seemed to know what to do per time, and that is wisdom. When she and her colleagues were brought in for preparation before seeing the king, she did something special, she did not ask for all the “Mary Kay” nor “Victoria Secret” products, like other contestants. The others were too professional, as they knew all the right beauty products. But Esther asked for nothing more than what the king’s chamberlain prescribed. While the others shoved aside his recommendations to make their own choice, Esther stuck to what was recommended, and this brought her into favour with all who looked upon her.
She found favour through her meek disposition. She practiced humility and lowliness, and it brought her into favour. Favour opportunities may come as many times as possible, but it will take a disposition of meekness to actually engage and maximize it to your benefit. No one knew the king and the kind of fragrances that he liked like his chamberlains, so it was wisdom for Esther to stick to what was appointed for her. She got in before the king and he recognized those fragrances, and he knew she was the one for him.
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Young lady, do not be wise in your own conceit. Stop overdoing things, stay simple, be modest and decent and watch God take care of your marital destiny in Jesus name.