in HeartChurch4 years ago

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“Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved” (Acts 2:47 KJV)

One of the most powerful ways to gain favour from anyone is to do or give them what they really love. Those kinds of actions open the heart of any benefactor towards you. For our Heavenly Father, Praise and worship is that thing we do that opens the heart of God towards us. That is why the Bible says we ought to approach Him with thanksgiving and praise; (Psalm 100:4)

You don’t want to know the capabilities of a man whose heart has opened towards another. A typical example was Herod, who took an oath to give the half of his kingdom to Herodias daughter if she danced before him. He swore to this publicly and not in private; he did it in the presence of dignitaries and was willing to defend it. Such that when the head of John the Baptist’s was mentioned, he had to stand true to his words, though unwillingly. That is an earthly king we are talking about, so how much more the almighty God who does not joke with His reputation.

The people in the Acts of the Apostles did several things but they didn’t miss their Praise to God. The earlier verse says it this way, “Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts”. But if they had done all these without Praise to God, there would have been no favour. It would have been the missing link. So, as they praised God, He didn’t just give them favour with some of the people, but with all the people. Praise is notorious for dealing with all and not some. Remember how Praise opened all the doors as Paul and Silas engaged it? That is the power of Praise for you. It handles everything, it has no limits nor boundaries.

Receive grace for unstoppable praise and worship today in Jesus Name.


Praise is the way I wim my Battle..
Beautiful piece