IMAGE SOURCE: i2.wp.com
There are things we are not supposed to simply walk away from, we are meant to flee from them. In the same vein, there are things we are expected to follow after; these are things to be embraced, if we truly seek to enjoy life in all its fullness. When you choose to build your tent amidst things God expects you to flee from, it signals serious trouble with God and you never go unhurt.
The Bible warns for us to flee every appearance of evil (1 Thessalonians 5:22). If you wait for it to be confirmed as evil, you may be trapped with no way out. Once it appears to be evil, you are expected to take your flight. Don’t wait for it to be sinful before you take your flight. When it appears sinful, it’s a good point to flee.
There are some who believe they are spiritual enough to go unhurt, playing in the corridors of sin. True spirituality has so much to do with your ability to stay away from anything that has an appearance of evil. There are some who seek to “balance” the equation between sin and righteousness. They want to be able to get along with both. Lying devil! There is no such connection between sin and righteousness.

IMAGE SOURCE: image.slideserve.com
The Bible warns in 2 Corinthians 6:14 – “what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness?”. It is either you’ve been washed by the blood of Jesus and you are heading for heaven; or you have rejected Christ and chosen to wine and dine in all manner of unrighteous indulgences and you have awfully secured a place in hell fire.
Let us follow the example of Joseph in Potiphar’s house: face to face with a discussion and on offer by his master’s wife, that was an outright appearance of evil; he literally took to his heels. Some today will wait to see how it goes, while others will seek to know the “logistics”. Not that man Joseph! He feared God beyond such an evil proposal. He took flight and he was divinely honored. You honor God when you seek to flee at every appearance of evil and scriptures affirm that they that honor God, God will honor.

The best way to get a positive response to our prayer is to flew from evil but in this planet earth alot of temptation comes our way,we could just pray that God should give us d grace to always overcome temptations whenever it shows it face.may God help us in jesus name.
Its very true. The moment you become curious about a sin, your downfall begins. All sins begins progressively and we as christians need to excape it before it reaches our doorsteps. Thanks for this enlightenment