IMAGE SOURCE: www.revivalandreformation.org
What a joy, to know that the Word of God works unaided. Those who seek all manner of attachments to God’s Word, in order to facilitate it, often time fall short of the expected results guaranteed by the Word. If it is God’s Word, it does not need any facilitation from men; the God Who gave the Word stands by His Word to perform it. He has promised to honor His Word above His name. God rules by His Word.
Any Word of God that has gone forth concerning you, comes with the authority and mandate of the God of all creation and is able to accomplish all that has been earmarked by God. The Word is a divine agency that makes bare the resources of God for your situation. Nothing commands the fullness of God’s might as much as the Word of God. Once spoken in your favor, everything of God is released to attend to it, to bring it to pass in your life. The Word does not need the assistance of men; because, it comes with all of God.
When you make up your mind to work with the Word of God as it is, you will see God’s power as it is and you will experience results which only God can give. The Centurion in our Scripture text, sought to work with the “Word only”. He refused any aid for the Word, because he knew that the Word of God works alone. He got the “Word only” and believed it and it worked as it was given. The Word works as long as you are ready to give yourself over to believing it as it is.
Many seek to ‘process” it with the traditions and dogmas of men and they struggle with results. If it must produce the results earmarked by God; it has to be applied as the raw Word of God. Away with what you feel, away with what the practice is around you. God’s Word does not come soliciting your help, it simply comes demanding your faith and if only you will believe, you will see the glory of God.
Naaman the leper came to Elisha with all manner of self styled expectations, for the healing of his leprosy. It was such that after receiving the Word of God from the mouth of Elisha, he had a proposal that sought an aid for the Word given by God’s servant. He said – “I thought, he will surely come out to me, and stand, and call on the name of the Lord His God, and strike his hand over the place, and recover the leper” (2 Kings 5:11). It is not a matter of your “thought”; it is a matter of the Word spoken. When the “Word only” becomes your thinking, miracles manifest.

CREDIT: heartchurch international
Heartchurch community, but if you are on our telegram channel I invite you to join, here are the new rules of the community and what the healing process will be like in the coming days.Dear @anggy , it is important that you are aware of the latest updates from the