IMAGE CREDIT: miro.medium.com
John 4:28-29 (NIV)
28 Then, leaving her water jar, the woman went back to the town and said to the people,
29 “Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Messiah?”
God has shown consistently in the scriptures that you don’t need to do so much for Him. With a little blessing by God: better still with a little inspiration from God, you can accomplish so much for God and for the advancement of His kingdom. There are those who strive to have much in knowledge and in substance before they can ever make a move for God.
The truth is that God blesses our purposeful actions with the little we know and it is this blessing upon the little that opens avenues for more of God and with more of God, we are able to accomplish more for Him. Don’t wait to accumulate much; set out with the little you know and have. It is His blessing that makes for increase and not how much we can gather for use. There is planting, there is the watering; but it takes only God to give you the increase.
The woman in our Scripture text did not know much of God, all she had was simply an encounter. She didn’t wait to know much of Jesus before setting out to witness for Jesus. She ran into the city with the little “revelation” she had and she flagged off a revival in Samaria. The Bible says in verse 39 of our Scripture passage; that, “many of the Samaritans of that city believed on Him for the saying of the woman, which testified, He told me all that ever I did.
This female Samaritan revivalist did not wait to pile up revelation knowledge; rather, she went her way to diffuse the little she had and the Lord blessed her move and her testimony of the Lord increased. Those who wait to pile up revelations soon entangle themselves and they become trapped in the slothfulness of knowledge and you’ll soon discover that too much learning without usage makes one miserable.
You have to let go what you already have on hand in other to have empty hands to receive more. Jesus fed multitudes with little. It is not a matter of how much, the little you have on hand, blessed by the Lord, can do so much._