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The fact that you are operating within the will of God for your life, does not mean you are going to have a merry ride all the way. The will of God does not in any way exempt you from the hardness that goes with divine pathways. Paul admonishing his son Timothy in 2 Timothy 2:3, to him to “endure hardness as a good soldier of Christ”; it’s not going to be enjoyment all the way; there are things to endure and all things there are to endure don’t come to drown us, they only come to work for us, a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.
These things often time build virtue into our being and to position us for the joy set before us. If you resist these “divine tutors”, seeking relief in all manner of short cuts carved out of a life of compromise; you will miss the height of glory carved out for you.
Jesus learned obedience by those things He suffered (Hebrews 5:8). Suffering is not a sin, it simply comes to inculcate some lessons into your being, to the intent that you be perfect, entire, wanting nothing. You don’t impress heaven when you claim that you have never suffered all your life: all you are simply saying is that you have been abandoned by heaven all your life. If God is involved in your life, there is some hardness to endure.
Jesus was in the centre of God’s will for His life; yet He went to Gethsemane and he wept bitterly, demanding that the “cross” pass over Him. The will of God at times may draw out some tears from your eyes; but, you stand to be enthroned beyond disgrace. David was one man whose path was hard, with all manner of “tutorials” in what he had to suffer in the will of God for his life.
At a point, he ran as a refugee into the land of Philistia pretending to be a mad man before the king of the Philistines. A man with the oil upon his head, anointed by Samuel? Yes, it was a building process. After the buildup, the glory appeared and he became Israel’s most famous king. Crying in God’s will is a pathfinder to the throne. It may seem like the cry of the forsaken; but, it turns out to be a prerequisite for a new realm and a wave of glory.