IMAGE SOURCE: media.swncdn.com
There is so much power available power unto men today that we cannot afford to constitute ourselves as disgrace to the throne of God’s glory. Jesus said – “Behold I give unto you power to thread upon serpents and scorpions, and upon all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you” Luke 10:19. With such power, you stand as a threat to the kingdom of darkness. It is not a matter of what the enemy is up to; rather, the enemy should be jittery seeking to know what you are up to. With such power made available unto men, you stand as an impossible task to the enemy.
With such power; Scriptures affirm that sin shall not have dominion over you. Sin as an effect of the enemy’s power cannot override a child of God; because, you have such power that is above the power of the enemy and nothing of the enemy is expected to entrap you. When with such power you are struggling with sin; rising and falling, confessing the same old sin again and again, you constitute yourself a disgrace to God’s finished work of grace.
A major highlight of the power we have received to be sons of God is the power to be able to say “No” to the devil and his advances. With such power, your life is not a dumping ground for all manner of lustful cravings and sin. With such power, not everything goes. With such power, you stand to question the advances of the enemy and like Joseph, instead of gulping down everything the enemy brings your way; you should be able to ask – “how can I do this great wickedness and sin against God?” Genesis 39:9.
With such power; you should be able to tackle challenges and not shy away. Nehemiah in the face of a very intimidating challenge proclaimed – “should such a man as I flee?” Nehemiah 6:11. The God Who has given such power to men taketh up the isles as a very little thing.
Seeing that as He is in heaven so we are on earth; we should learn with such power given to us to pick up challenges as very little things. Always know that nothing is as difficult as it first appears. All you need with such power is boldness and courage to confront your stubborn situations.