Now the Lord God has said to Abram get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house unto a land that I will show you. Genesis 12:1 KJV.
For you to enjoy the fellowship and blessings of God as a child of God, you must separate yourself from all others unto God.
This separation is both physical and spiritual in the sense that you must separate yourself from the things that the world does, which does not glorify God and from what they believe that are contrary to the will of God.
God new that unless Abram was separated from his country kindred and family, that the word of God would not be fulfilled in his life.
I perceive the reason was that as long as Abram was still with them he would not want to do anything that would be offered them so that he would not suffer rejection and persecution from them.
So there was a great need for him to be separated. Maybe you're facing what Abram faced. God is saying to you now, separate yourself from them for you cannot serve two master at a time.
You will either please God or your family. I rather have you please God for one with God is majority. Some believers are born again in the towns and Cities but not in their villages and home.
You still compromise your faith. You have known the truth and this ought to set you free but you are still held bound by family allegiance. You cannot declare your stand because you still want your family to love you.
It is only when the world and your family reject you that Jesus will take you up.
We saw this in the lives of Meshach, Shedrach and Abednego who for their faith preferred dying in the furnace of fire to compromising their faith.
Shedracd, Meshach and Abednego, answered and said to the king, o Nebuchadnezzar we are not careful to answer thee in this matter.
If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, o king that we will not serve thy God's, nor worship the golden image which thou has sat up. Daniel 3:16-- 18 KJV.
They took a firm decision to die to because of they faith Knowing fully well that changing they mine could have saved them from the hand of the king. Stood their ground knowing that death in the physical body is not the end of the life.
You must separate yourself from this world and her system, if you must see the glory of God. God has said, love not the world or the things that are in the world.
But is the church today keeping this instructions? Three Hebrew men, Meshach, Shedracd, Abednego, decided that no matter what would happen to them, they were ready to die instead of compromising their faith.
Have you sacrificed your faith at the alter of Delilah or Mammon. You compromise in your office, still your boss money and u come to church for testimony.
Let me ask you this. What is going through your conscience. When you spending that money from duping and cheating, do you remember that you are an enemy of the cross, nailing Jesus back to the cross He has been freed from.
You young lady in the church involved in prostitution. You say you want to use what you have to get what you want. God says no money from the sell of dog or prostitution should be offered to Him.
Yet many of lady after sleeping with your bosses and sugar daddies will they will come to the church to testify and no one cares how this money comes from.
Men of God, are you rejoicing that God is blessing your church with out concern as to the source of the blessings.
An unbelievers sharing with a pastor on the hypocrisy in the church told him how ladies who claims to be born again from a particular denomination demand for money and they will sleep with them in their office before giving them huge amount of money.
Sister are you a victim or Victor. Men of God, you have a question to answer before God because you will give account of these flocks.
You can help them make heaven or send them to hell out of selfishness. The choice is yours. A Man of God preached to his congregation that if you dupe person,it simple means that you are wiser or smarter than that person.
We hear stories that bring shame, that a child of God that ought to be trusted is now a dog that eat the bone tied on it's neck. If a child of God cannot be trusted who than can be tested.
We need to be separated so that we will know the sheep from the goat and this need cannot be over emphasized. You must be separated.
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