All things are yours

in HeartChurch5 years ago

Roman's 8:32 says "He that spared not His own son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely gives us all things. "


To every believer who lives in full knowledge of what Christ had done, him or her lacks nothing,because all things are yours. Salvation is comprehensive, salvation comes with a total package, God did not save you to suffer but you were saved into freedom in all things. Until you come into full knowledge about this you will not take possession in life.

It is important to know, according to our text today the Bible says if God had not spared His only son but delivered him up for us all how shall he not with him also freely gives us all things. Meaning that in God we have nothing whatsoever to worry about. We have this confidence that through him whom the father gave to us, we have all things freely.

In Christ Jesus, God had given us all things that pertaining to life and Godliness. Everything you need to survive in this life had already been given to you. In health, wealth and even life all has already been given to you. Also everything that you need to stay saved as a believer had already been given to you. The day you received Christ into your life, all these and more had been package into you. This is why I say that salvation is comprehensive, it comes with all good things.

Mathew 6:31-32 says " therefore take no thought, saying what shall we eat? Or what shall we drink? Or, wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that year have need of all these things.

As believers, it is not in your place to be thinking about all these things, because your father knows that you have need of all these things, believing means you have faith in God as the supplier of all things, and that He will supply at all times. If as a believer you are worried about all these things, you are nothing less than an unbeliever, because automatically you are operating in their realm.

Also it is worthy of note, that thinking and worrying yourself over thing cannot in anywhere add to your life, but exercising your belief system brings to you all things that pertain to life and Godliness. Because faith calleth those things that be not as though they were, faith in Christ is now not later.

So in summary I put to you that all things are yours as a believer in Christ Jesus. You don't need to start looking for things but things naturally find it way to you. God those not react to situation but God pro-act to situation. So in every situation you finds yourself know that provision to escape from that situation has already been made available. So don't think, maybe is because of your worried that will make God to act, God is proactive by nature.

The knowledge you have about these as a believer will bring rest to your life. And I pray that the eye of our understanding be open so that we may know that good thing which is in us through Christ Jesus.

Stay blessed, think Christ