Parents have the greatest influence on the actions of their children, they model all the attitudes of their parents in the first stage of their life which is essential for the other stages. It is for this reason that parents must have the greatest caution and precision of their attitudes, I think it convenient that reflection, prudence, decision-making and wisdom should be an important key for the direction of the children
How can we access this type of action with a society coupled with an endless number of anti-values that today hit the families of the earth?
The Bible has the answer to this question and to many more, because in the book of books as the Bible is called we find the solution to this question because there is stipulated the way in which parents should direct, guide and correct their children.
And you parents, do not make your children angry, but bring them up according to the discipline and instruction of the Lord.
The world today is in crisis and we visualize it because it is in the actions of families that we can see the deterioration of humanity. That is why Christian parents must raise children differently than non-believing parents because the Bible determines to do so. So if you are a believer, you must take into account the way you are leading or managing your family.
This verse shows us how Christian parents should guide their children because the call is to raise them in discipline and admonition from the Lord because God has given parents the responsibility of raising their children as the only responsible since it can not be any other relative unless the parents are not present due to loss.
Two things are needed for the proper teaching of children: a correct attitude and a correct foundation because the correct attitude will be one where parents do it wisely and the correct foundation will be through Jesus Christ the only foundation to lead firm and successful children. .
As parents we are the true reflection of our children so we must be very careful about what we are sowing in them
Precisely the deterioration that the world is suffering today is due precisely to the form of upbringing, or definitely the lack of it.
Families have been breaking up, allowing themselves to be carried away by the world, leaving aside the word of God.
As parents we have the responsibility of raising good children, with values and faith. Love of God saves us from the world.
nice post.