Luke 5 King James Version (RVR1960)
Miraculous fishing
(Mt. 4.18-22; Mr. 1.16-20)
5 And it came to pass, as Jesus stood by the lake of Genesaret, that the crowds crowded upon him to hear the word of God.
2 And he saw two boats that were near the shore of the lake; and the fishermen, having descended from them, washed their nets.
3 And entering one of those boats, which was Simon's, he begged him to set it aside a little; and sitting down, he taught from the boat to the crowd.
4 When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, "Go out to sea, and cast your nets to fish."
5 Simon answered and said to him, Master, we have been working all night, and have caught nothing; but in your word I will cast the net.
6 And having done so, they shut up a large quantity of fish, and their net was broken.
This story has its beginning when Jesus went to preach and there were many people, then he saw Peter who was washing his nets on the shore, he borrowed the boat to teach from there, Peter had a difficult night, he had not caught anything However, something that does not escape my mind is that he washed his nets, it does not matter if we have not achieved anything so far, the important thing is to wash our nets and that when the miracle worker comes he finds us in the right place.
When Jesus finishes preaching, he says to Peter: he is going out to sea and throws the net, Peter does not imagine who he is talking to and responds: teacher, we have been working all night and we have not caught anything, in short he is saying I am the fishing expert and there is nothing, but if you say it in obedience to that word, I will cast the net.

Peter does not imagine that the alpha and omega, the King is in front of him, and that on the most ordinary and common day his life can change, the great I am who created heaven and earth comes to change his history, today I want to inject your spirit with faith with this word, no matter how many years or days you have been struggling with that problem or situation, wash your network because the God of heaven and earth will visit you and you will see the greatest miracle of your days.
If you have stopped rowing, today is a day to return to that dream, Jesus is talking to someone who spent all night working without results, he reminds me of my own life experience where sometimes we feel that what we do is in vain, But this word encourages me that if Jesus did this miracle to Peter, he can also do it with us. Jesus tells us that he knows what we have lived in the last ten years or six months, he knows where we have fallen from, but He wants us to try one more time, we have to paddle out to sea, despite the frustration we must get back up, God will extend his hand to those who try.
There will be days when you will not want to preach, also that we will feel alone, but God is there despite what we are feeling to get up and restore ourselves and change our lament into joy.
Decide to snatch a Miracle this day!
Message written for the HeartChurch community, which can be used on social media where the organization is present.

With Humility and Obedience, we shall receive our miracle
There will be light at the end of the tunnel.
Thanks and God bless for sharing