All people are subject to hearing what we want and what we do not want as well as seeing things that we want and things that we dislike to see but in the same way we participate in all where we are exhorted by the word of God to retain the good and discard the bad .
Our upbringing in the first years of life are very important to develop our future attitudes because what we see and hear that we will practice and we reach adults with a lifestyle learned in childhood perhaps with unfavorable principles that do not help us live a full life but on the contrary are marks that we carry that prevent us from forming socially
Everything we see and hear in life is a learning to retain or discard and we are really influenced by what we see and hear daily but God calls us to a wise and prudent life exemplary in his word
Philippians 4: 9
Put into practice what you have learned, received and heard from me, and what you have seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you.
In this order of ideas we decipher our attitudes and our character is forged since what we see what we hear are experiences that we develop throughout our lives and really have a high level of influence on our formation
certainly in some way we decide because we have a conscience also God allows us to know things that help us choose between the crooked path and the correct path that is to say between good and evil to forge our character and discover ourselves.
However, we must take into account that regardless of your performance, not all the people who raised us or who were somehow involved in our development were always showing the best behavior since many of us grew up under an example that was not ideal but I have to tell you that I know many who, despite not having had an ideal example at home in their place of growth, they decided to overcome these circumstances and say that although I never had an example, I decided to become an example of all the people who see me do you know why? because it is a decision what it takes for you to say:
I come from the flat but I will not stay in the flat they did not create me in values but I decide to adopt values and walk on principles because I simply want to be a better person and who else that God to help us get out of all those circumstances that undoubtedly hurt us but taught us a learning to live better and yearn for an attitude of degree to our heavenly father.
The attitude of us Christians should always be this:
No matter the teachings you have received, the important thing is that today you have conscience and recognize God as the greatest example to create principles and values and you can hold onto his word.
Excerpt from a preaching message in congress that is shared in the heartchurch community on two social platforms.
This is why our work in the HeartChurch Community certainly changes lives and shows the love of Jesus who wants us to be his faithful witnesses. Excellent post Apostol Darlenys.