in HeartChurch5 years ago (edited)

We have been justified by grace for manifesting God's goodness and love in our lives through his son Jesus Christ. Many people do not know what it means to achieve God's grace and it is important to know that none of us deserve the grace that was poured out by God in our lives but he in his infinite mercy and goodness drew us through it in order to pour out his love in our hearts.


For no reason should we confuse the word "Thank you" to thank or that we use out of courtesy when helping us in something with the "grace" that God has placed in us in order to change our hearts.

Titus 3: 1-5
3 Remind them to submit to rulers and authorities, to obey, to be ready for every good work.
2 That they slander no one, that they be not quarrelsome, but kind, showing all meekness towards all men.
3 For we too were once foolish, rebellious, lost, slaves of various lusts and delights, living in malice and envy, abhorrent, and hating one another.
4 But when the goodness of God our Savior and his love for men was manifested,
5 he saved us, not by works of justice that we had done, but by his mercy, by the washing of regeneration and by the renewal in the Holy Spirit,

Depending on the grace of God, otherwise holiness and change in our lives would be impossible since it is by pure grace that we can consecrate ourselves to God and have self-control to say "no" to bad attitudes and "yes" to good attitudes. justice and truth.

One of the constant actions in our lives to perform good works is through the grace of God that was deposited by grace in our hearts in order to be able to obey all the parameters established in the word.

It is also important to say that through these verses we can say that we Christians are citizens of heaven according to what is established in the word in the book of Philippians 3:20

Philippians 3:20
20 But our citizenship is in heaven, from where we also await the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Likewise, we must know that we must also comply with the obligations towards civil authorities as established by the word of God in the book of Romans 13: 1
"Let every person submit to superior authorities; for there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been established by God" (RVR1960)

Christians also have obligations to all of their fellow citizens outside the church and through their kind attitude they can influence them positively.
In this sense, the apostle Paul mentions two reasons for obtaining an appropriate conduct with the outside world: the memory of our conduct in the world before conversion and the manifestation of God's love and goodness for us.

God's special love for humanity is described using the Greek term from which the Spanish word "philanthropy" is derived, the gift of his son is the greatest demonstration of God's love.

We Christians are heirs of God's grace, but this does not prevent us from also fulfilling our civil obligations according to what God establishes in his word.
God has given us his grace as an inheritance of his kingdom and through that grace we are thinking kingdom citizens with divine wisdom to direct us in earthly life.

Bibliography: Full Bible. (RVR1960)
