Happy Hive community day:
Today is a day that I want to dedicate to Jesus, it is difficult to see the thousands of problems and adverse situations and to preserve peace, we can only achieve it by the sacrifice and unmerited favor of Jesus on the cross. We were loved, forgiven and justified before God Through Jesus Christ, Today I can see a favor in my life and that of mine, today I am filled with courage to achieve that purpose through faith.
I was broken but you loved me like that, your grace reached me and my sin erased.

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It no longer matters what the world says when we have him, we have everything, Jesus is our savior, the one who loves us without measure, man will always disappoint us, but his grace will be enough to understand that all things help us to Well, we are called to his eternal purposes.
Ephesians 2: 1 King James Version (RVR1960)
Saved by grace
2 And he gave you life, when you were dead in your trespasses and sins,
When the world turns its back on you, that person in whom you put your trust lets you down, there is Jesus, who tells us that although our father and mother leaves us, he will collect us, how much he loves grace, that unmerited favor of Jesus.God's grace is manifested in the way that God uses believers to bring healing to the sick, free the captive, cast out demons, it is by grace that this is possible.
For this time of heart healing, I only have one piece of advice, let the love of Jesus clothe you up to the tuetans, wash your wounds, cleanse your heart, free your soul and do you again, only in this way will it be a manifestation of His glory and power, we have come to give the captives freedom to get the oppressed out of jail, to preach the pleasant year of the Lord.
Do with your neighbor what Christ did for you, love without measure, this is the mark that Christ is in us and we are his children.
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with us all forever.
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Happy Hive Community Day, dedicating to God always brings blessing and peace