The most extraordinary love story that we find in the Bible is the love of Jesus for humanity because he gave his life in sacrifice for the immense and strange love of his creation to give us salvation and eternal life but today I would like to talk about the love story more extraordinary between a man and a woman in ancient times that can be an example for this time of what true love really means.
The Bible tells us a love story between a patriarch named Jacob and his wife Raquel, this man from the first moment that he looked at Raquel was enraptured and deeply in love and did not care sacrifice his time in order to receive his girlfriend as his wife and life partner
Do you know what Jacob had to do in order to win Rachel as a wife?
Jacob had to work seven years which he did not care about the time in order to win the love of his beloved, the Bible tells it like this:
Genesis 29: 15-17
15 Then Laban said to Jacob,
Are you going to work for me for nothing, just because you're my nephew? Tell me how much you want me to pay you! "
16 Laban had two daughters. The oldest was named Lea, and the youngest was named Raquel. 17 Lea's eyes were tender, but Rachel had a beautiful presence and was beautiful to look at. 18 Jacob fell in love with Rachel and said,
"For Raquel, your youngest daughter, I will serve you seven years."
True love does not measure time or obstacles much less look at limitations does not look at distance and because of that great love the Bible argues that Jacob worked seven years which he looked at as days because his love was so extraordinary that he did not look at time as obstacles but as the best option to marry your beloved.
1 Corinthians 13.4-7
4 Love is long-suffering, it is kind; love is not envious, love is not boastful, it is not puffed up;
5 does not do anything improper, does not seek his own, does not get irritated, does not hold a grudge;
6 one does not enjoy injustice, but one enjoys the truth.
7 He suffers everything, believes everything, hopes everything, supports everything.
True love can do everything and does not get irritated and certainly never looks for his own but the good of his loved one or lover for that reason Jacob never cared about himself or about the work that he had to make his look his goal and his dream was in his heart to reach out to Raquel as his wife to love her, take care of her and honor her.
Thus, it is true love, pure, noble, authentic without looking at borders or limitations.