in HeartChurch5 years ago

Praise to God is good and beautiful in response to the many blessings of God. Who in this life has not received blessings from God? we have all received his blessing because just living is a blessing breathing is a blessing and having life is a blessing received from God

It is very important for those men and women who dedicate a time of their lives to give thanks to God through adoration and praise, it is an honor to pause to recognize the mercy of God, to contemplate it reverently since it pleases the heart of God.

Praising God is one of the most wonderful things that a human being can experience and singing to Him with song and praise to thank His mercies is something super special


Psalm 147
1 Praise the Lord!
How good it is to sing praises to our God!
How nice and appropriate!
2 The Lord rebuilds Jerusalem
and bring the exiles back to Israel.
3 He heals the brokenhearted
and bandage their wounds.
4 Count the stars
and calls each one by name.
5 How great is our Lord! His power is absolute!
Your understanding surpasses all understanding!

Praising God and thanking him for his blessings is only done by a humble and grateful heart that recognizes that without God there is no one since God fills everything because singing praises to God or reciting it is soft and beautiful for our father he rejoices when his children recognize his greatness and glorify him

God is good and forgiving heals the broken hearted and bandages their wounds and this is exclusively his essence since nobody can do it but him because only he is God.

God knows each one of us and looks at what man can never look at, looks at our hearts and knows every detail of our lives, that's why he is willing to heal every wound and soul pain that we may be going through.

God is extremely almighty and his power no one can limit him he is the creator of the whole universe and he is the healer and savior of the world he is our creator and father and he loves us unconditionally with an incomprehensible love to the human mind

What can I do or you to thank so much love and fidelity to God?
Praise him live to adore him and recognize him in all areas of our lives praise him for his word and his providence!
