in HeartChurch5 years ago

The role of a mother is fabulous and incomparable and as a law of life we ​​have that the mother takes care of her children, educates them, forms them with the help of God, and then the children grow up to become adults and then they also form their home since God established it. .

To talk about a mother and give advice about her position, we don't need it to be a special day because every day should be a reason to bless them, respect and love them.

In this regard we can read in the Bible

Genesis 2:24
"Therefore a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will be one flesh."
(New American Standard)

In this sense, it is worth asking: Where are the parents? What does it mean not to leave parents alone?
Many people in the world when they have decided to marry and form a home leave the house where they have lived with their parents because it is the rule of life but this does not mean that for this reason parents are left alone and helpless for their children.
The Bible tells us in this regard:

Exodus 20:12
12 Honor your father and mother, so that your days may be prolonged in the land that Jehovah your God gives you.
King James Version.


This really is a commandment with promise and it is the first rule of life not to leave them alone because children must be grateful children and love their parents above all things to attend to them as well as attend to their children because when they are of advanced age They cannot fend for themselves and need care, and we children are responsible for our parents because we must honor them and ensure their food and health.

It is true that today's society demands day by day and demands more commitments to life and children, but where are the parents? parents must also be a priority in our lives they gave us everything they could when necessary and did everything possible to give us the best and become adults now we must also honor him with gratitude and loyalty as well as we must be faithful God pyues it is necessary to remember that what we sow we will also reap.

We must respect and love our parents

1 Peter 4: 8
8 And above all, have fervent love among you; because love will cover a multitude of sins.

We must fiercely love our parents and honor them because we must remember that the family is the fundamental component of society, within it proper relationships must be maintained and honoring means having high esteem, showing respect, glorifying and exalting.

After God our parents deserve all the respect, honor and love necessary to be able to live a full and happy old age because there are many parents who suffer in broad statistics due to the lack of their children and feel alone sad and depressed because they do not have contacts with they.

Love your parents visit them call them attend them do not leave them alone because it is not the rule of life because the law is to honor them

As good children we must also recognize the good examples and advice that they transmitted to us throughout our lives and honor them with gratitude, the mother is an example of life, loyalty and unmatched love.

Proverbs 31: 28-29
28 Her children rise up and call her blessed;
And her husband also praises her:
29 Many women did good;
But you surpass all.
(King James Version)

Our parents are a blessing therefore we must also bless them every day of our lives as advised by the Bible in the book of numbers

Numbers 6: 24-26
24 Jehovah bless you and keep you;
25 Jehovah make his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you;
26 Jehovah lift up his face on you, and give you peace.
King James Version

the peace and tranquility of our parents will also be ours if they are well we will also be grateful to them we praise their advice their wisdom and bless their lives at all times.




That is so so true.

I love this verse, Exodus 20:12

@darlenys yeah moms are special gifts from God. I love u Mom 💖