in HeartChurch4 years ago

No matter how many times we have made a mistake, the important thing is to get up and move forward in the present, that is, today since the person who lives without God has a reprobate mind where all kinds of thoughts live that necessarily have to change in order to renew their minds and be truly free.

Romans 12: 2
Do not conform to today's world, but be transformed by renewing your mind. This way they will be able to verify what is the will of God, good, agreeable and perfect.

It is necessary that we can put our minds above all the external things that surround us in order to be transformed


The bible determines that a person who seeks God must be transformed in all areas of his life by initiating that transformation in his mind because when the mind is renewed, all the things that surround the person will also be renewed.

That transformation is only in God, only he is capable of transforming everything twisted and wrong in our lives.

When the word of God tells us not to conform to this century, it refers to this world, that is, to a world without God, to a system that is devoid of God and practices all the things that the world offers them. We Christians who have been born again are called to renew our minds and to live differently from what the world without God lives.

In this sense, Christians cannot accept the norms of a generation that ignores God in all areas and that please the god of this age whose word calls him satan.

We cannot accept the norms that this world imposes on us, on the contrary, we are called and we are forced to be transformed by means of the renewal of our mind dedicated to the ideals of the kingdom of God and proving what is the will of God which means to submit. daily testing in practice that God's will for us is pleasing and perfect.
