in HeartChurch5 years ago

The Bible is our protection and direction weapon to show us the mercy of God for us, it shows us day by day through his word how important we are to God and how much He loves us.

Isaiah 49: 15-16
15 «Never! Can a mother forget her baby at the breast?
Can you not feel love for the child you gave birth to?
But even if that were possible,
I would not forget you.
16 Look, I have written your name on the palms of my hands.


God has not forgotten you, God has not forgotten us, God has not forgotten the nations, God has not forgotten Venezuela, God is thinking of you because He loves you and his word reminds us that He never he will forget us and exemplify it with a woman who gives birth to her son, says: Will the woman forget what she gave birth, to stop feeling sorry for the child in her womb?
It also concludes in this verse although she forgets, I will never forget you.

Don't you think this promise is wonderful? Does this not lead you to reflect? Who does the Lord have a memory of? And why does God care so much about you?

Many people say: God has forgotten me, even brothers in faith have come to think that God has forgotten them but God never forgets his creation or his children.

Israel complained a lot about having been forgotten by God but notice the Lord promised to take it in his hands just as today he promises to take us into his hands because he assures us "behold, in the palms of my hands I have you sculpted, in front of me you will always be" .

God has conquered the world, He conquered the destroyer and He is our Savior and Redeemer and today He supports us through His hands.

It is a blessing this promise from God to know that God has a memory of me, of you, and of everyone is extremely wonderful and amazing, we are very important to Him and that makes me immensely happy

Never forget that we are in the palms of his hands He will never forget us, even if he walks in the valley of the shadow of death, in afflictions or in some sad situation remember this powerful and promising promise


