Happy start of the Month to all the Hive Community and HeartChurch,
About two years ago I stopped writing on this blogs platform, the reasons were multiple: from the aggressive start of a pandemic, loss of friends, disappointments, losses, in short, so many things that at times place the human being at his most, sensitive level. I remember that since I was a girl I liked to write, tell real stories, I also liked to read the Christian scriptures, analyze situations, but what I loved the most was getting involved in the communities, looking for solutions, creating expectations, I don't know if it has to do with my profession of Systems Engineering that from an early age opened many doors for me at a social level, taught me so many things, for me the greatest system was the human being and the complex relationship with the world that surrounds him, that interaction with the environment coupled with the search for earthly well-being, some in an acceptable direction, others taking their peers through the middle. One day I was walking on the beach and I began to meditate, that the world is broken, I thought that perhaps a pandemic would make us more supportive, families would be more united, and no, really the effect was the other way around, the social crisis is more higher than the economic one, we are in such difficult times that only faith, hope and love can return the hearts of the Parents to the children and of the children to the Parents. Suddenly, I found a pen, it has followed me for many years, so much so that it is the logo of my Company, but this time it came to my feet, and I felt in the depths of my heart that inner voice that told me: "Darlenys", start writing everything you have lived from your own experiences, do not stop because there are wounded, stagnant, lonely, confused hearts, waiting for a word, but not words of positivism that do not bring true changes, but the word that is alive and effective, that transforms hearts because in it there is spirit, there is life.I think people are tired of hearing theories, religion, hypotheses, people, the world needs a change and this will not take place until hearts are repaired.
What it means to write one's own History.
Each one of us has a life, a story, something to write, to tell, to teach, we also have gifts and talents that we must place at the service of our fellow men, my experience in the blockchain has been extraordinary, at one point it rose a gray cloud wanting to cover how beautiful it had been built, the love of money, fame, position, the ego is part of human nature, we need to be humble and meek of heart to recognize our mistakes and learn from them, not think highly of yourself more than you should be, and appreciate the work of others as much as our own.Part of my social work I shared here and I have had the satisfaction of impacting many lives, these two years in silence I have not stopped or stalled because of what men can say or do, I have simply worked and multiplied my forces with the help of God, and Angels (so to speak) who have been on my path collaborating not only in the material but in the real work.
When I started in steemit, I was invited to work in what was steemchurch and I had a project called "Bread From Heaven" it was about children's dining rooms, then my dream grew even more and HeartChurch was born, if the church of the heart with the that I have dreamed of every day since God placed it in my spirit, and said within me that every day I will use it for that Ministry that is the Ministry of Reconciliation, yes, the Ministry of Love.

For many things that happened around the Project, I wanted to protect it because it is something very valuable, like a treasure that God gave me, the social and political crisis that Venezuela has gone through in recent years is no secret to anyone, registering a church, a foundation here it was something impossible, but impossible for man not for the giver of dreams that is God, approximately 6 months ago I received my code of operations for HeartChurch J-502230335, with a broad objective to establish branches anywhere in the world as a Foundation legally established, for me it has been a wonderful miracle from the hand of Jesus.
I am immersed in this wonderful project that is not about giving alms, but about creating awareness, sowing seeds in the hearts of children, families that bear fruit of repentance, doing for people what others are not willing, my feeling at returning to write is because I want to share this with many people, who know that dreams can be fulfilled, also find missionaries in other parts of the world who are willing to create real communities with an eternal purpose.The greatest riches are within ourselves, that freedom that we need to find is the purpose of HeartChurch, connecting individuals, empowering communities to reach their full potential.
In this return, I want to share my experiences as a follower of Christ, that spiritual part that connects us with divine nature, as a promoter of several projects: among them @vastagocasademodas, HeartChurch as a foundation, the Chikensfarms Project (Mini real Community farms), the upcoming launch of HeartFarms(virtual farm game), restructure and strengthen a true community with purpose and with a legacy in the world, the gifts, the knowledge are to transmit them, they are like that burning torch that goes from generation to generation, and we cannot stay with they.Finally, an invitation to all those who feel identified with this lifestyle, to those who want the common good, to the friends and brothers who have followed HeartChurch, who feel in their hearts the desire to do something for their community. , for the world, it is a good time to build solid foundations to achieve a vision. I will be waiting for all of you, rather... God is waiting for all of us.
A word to meditate and reflect:
In 1 Kings 19:9-15, The story of the prophet Elijah is narrated when he fled for fear of being killed, but God in his infinite mercy went to look for him in the cave, and tells him;
Elijah, what are you doing there?
God told Elijah that he was going to pass through the foot of the mountain, and first an earthquake happened, then a fire and finally a peaceful whistle, if we continue reading the story we realize that God was not in the noise of the earthquake, not even in the fire that consumes, God was in the peaceful whistle of love, and that today is my call let's work and act from the stillness of love, because everything is going to happen except love, which is the one that covers a multitude of errors, let's avoid signal and go out to look for all those souls that are hidden in a cave, they are also our brothers.
A special thanks to the entire community @Heartchurch, @sniffsncurry ,@theycallmedan ,@ricci01 , and all those people who placed their seed for the consolidation of this project.
Welcome aboard dear friend. Best regards.