Daily Devotional: Dishonest Friend

in HeartChurch4 years ago


Good day people of God!
Today we'll look at the effects of making friend with a dishonest person. We'll be reading from Proverbs 16:28 (ESV) which says;

A dishonest man spreads strife, and a whisperer separates close friends. openbible.info

A dishonest person is a whisperer, a lier.
Our Bible passage for today is telling us how dangerous a dishonest person could be when we have close relationship with the person.
Would it be a type of person who'll kick away your old friends?
That's a better tip to us on what kind of people we should make friends with.
Would it be those who say because they heard or because they've seen?
Both could be good but the question is, are what he/she says helpful or to tear someone down?
Yeah, the Bible has it in Ephesians 4:29 (ESV) saying;

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. openbible.info

Therefore, we should make friends with those who act because it's the right thing to do, talk because it's needed and when the do, it will fit the occasion and as well, give grace to those who listen.
Avoid those who would be talking but you prefer to hear but not listening.
Yeah, hearing is different from listening.
A friend could make or break people, family, marriages, career, job.
Be wise and ask God to make your friendship path good for you.
May God help us as we make friends in Jesus name, amen.


Ask God to guide you when making friends, ask Him to give you the grace to meet the right friend at the right time, pray that you and your friends will have mutual relationship in Jesus name, amen.


Avoid those who would be talking but you prefer to hear but not listening.

That's right.
They're those who would gossip about others but won't mind their business.
They have bad pair pressures and need to be avoided.
Thanks for sharing.

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Oh my God!
Thank you so much.