in HeartChurch5 years ago

One of the biggest reasons why people do not get answers to most of their prayers is that their preparations cannot cater for what they've prayed for.

If you ask most of them, they'd say - "when we reach that bridge, we'll cross it"

I think this mindset is wrong and can affect the answers we receive from God. Even the Bible mentioned that faith without works is a mirage.

A soldier does not learn how to shoot in a war battle. They prepare consistently for years waiting for the day of battle. He who goes to a war without preparation is dead on arrival.

Before we become carriers of those blessings we've prayed for, we should be ready with vessels of collection and even natural laws that predict success should be increased as a result of our preparation.

God does not finance mediocrity

If one needs a job, he shouldn't just pray about the job alone, but prepare himself by acquiring relevant skills, and training that would make them best fit.

This might sound very basic but a lot of us are guilty over this and we end up hurting ourselves. Some even get to the point that they become angry with God for now answering them, when in the actual sense, they were not prepared to receive.

If we don't build capacity and prepare very well for what we prepare for, we may waste divine investments, and God hates wastage and for that may not give us what we seek and pray for.

As you enter into a new week, make efforts to put in work and preparation for those blessings you've been trusting God for.

God is a rewarder of labor and diligence. Seeth that man that's diligent in his works, he shall stand before kings.

Have a great day and see you soon


Nice piece
Truly opportunity meets preparation..

Certainly. Thanks for dropping by @udygold