in HeartChurch5 years ago

We are currently living in other times and there are many congregations with new formats, new challenges because we are in another era and obviously each day more changing, but the question would be can the Gospel change its essence? Can the church be elastic in its format of presentation of convocation in the way of preaching? Can the church be tolerant of current things that the world sees as normal today but that offend God?

How do we currently do to have a relevant church and preserve the word of God in its essence?
The word of God does not change and there is no limit to the gospel it does not change the ways of sharing it today
They should change it is not that they can change. They should change if we want to be relevant and preserve biblical ethics

The gospel is unique with ethical principles and guidelines and you cannot transgress the ethical and the moral. We cannot invert biblical values ​​and principles and teach the incorrect, that is, what is not written in the Bible, accommodating it to our convenience or to the convenience of the world because There are ethical limits, but I think it is vital that the church is transformed and does not accommodate the world.

Romans 12: 2
And do not adapt (do not conform) to this world, but transform yourselves by renewing your mind, so that you may verify what is the will of God: what is good and acceptable (pleasant) and perfect.
(New Latin American Bible)


We must never adjust or accommodate ourselves to a world without God. We cannot accept the norms imposed by this world that offend God, but rather we must persist, keep cultivating and practicing the word centered on the essence of God and transform ourselves every day through the renewal of our mind.

The church must preach the gospel of Jesus Christ the only one written in the Bible from ancient times to the present day since man can be transformed by the gospel but not the gospel by man....