in HeartChurch5 years ago

Before changing your situation, God wants to change your heart because when man has a change he first inserts himself into the heart, it is for this reason that when Jesus spoke with people to bring about this change, he wisely tried to reach their hearts first.


She used words of wisdom and looked for the best way to discover what was in the heart of man to bring it to light but she did it with humility and prudence so as not to embarrass them.This is the case of the Samaritan woman when Jesus approached her to make her see Everything that was she did it with prudence, humility and wisdom and used the key words to make her come back from her reality but those words only sought to touch her heart.

John 4: 6-7
6 And Jacob's well was there. So Jesus, tired from the road, sat down like this by the well. It was about the sixth hour.
7 A woman from Samaria came to draw water; and Jesus said to her: Give me to drink.

Jesus knew that in the heart of that woman there was a wound due to the prejudices of her ancestors of her generation where Jews and Samaritans could not establish communication and the mere fact of asking her for water was touching the most intimate fibers of her heart. woman and evidently it was like that she was surprised and began her heart to work in favor of God's mercy and could begin to live by faith with a new heart.

Living by faith does not mean that we ignore our circumstances it means that we choose to focus on God and believe that she is greater than anything we can face
The change of any person begins with the heart because if you do not change your heart first, you will never be able to change your actions and only God can grant us that right to be a new person.

God knows that it is our heart that we have to change since it is in the heart where all our wounded emotions settle and all kinds of feelings that affect our entire physical and spiritual emotional world.