The Peace of the Lord

in HeartChurch4 years ago

John 14:27; Peace i leave with you, my peace i give to you; not as the world gives do i give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

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Peace is an essential commodity in the World now, many seek it and they do so in different ways and it does come in different forms. War prone nations are seeking peace and cease fire, sick individuals are seeking health peace, the rich seek peace from fraudsters and thieves and security form themselves and their money.

This unending search has led many to do many thing and act in many ways just to get that assurance they so seek and peace and inner mind rest they so need however just when everything seems to have been achieved things just escalated again.

I am here today to tell you your search for peace is over for true peace, than inner peace that security you have been looking for all your life can only be found in Christ Jesus when you become born again and surrender everything to him.

Are you in search of peace, do you want inner peace, do you need that assurance in life? Come to Christ and all shall be well.
