He gives Rest

in HeartChurch4 years ago

Matthew 11:28, come to me, all you who labor and are heavy-lade and overburdened, and i will cause you to rest.

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The cycle we go through everyday is burdening and overwhelming, sometimes we just want to give up, sometimes people wish that life will just end thinking they will find that peace in the afterlife. The hustle, running and pushing that goes on in life can be a whole thing that when one is not patient or one does not have a strong hold or pillar like the Lord they may just fall apart and give in to anything at all.

But in the Lord there is peace, there is inner and outer peace, there is that calm that keeps the waves at bay and establishes calmness, one that washes over you and all who come into contact with you such that they feel that everything will be well again and that it is not the end of life or everything and that greatness await them in life. And so the Lord calls to us today, are you heavy laden? Do you need rest?

Then you are at the right place, come to the Lord and find that shelter from the storm, that calm from the waves, that shade from the scotching sun, for in him is life. May we be guided into finding the rest we yearn for in the Lord and continue to live into the greatness the Lord has prepared before us. Have blessed day and thanks for reading.
