Heartchallenge: Week One, Welcome to the first church of the blockchain

in HeartChurch5 years ago
Hello everyone,

And welcome to the first church of the blockchain courtesy of @sirknight. The Church is lead by these great parishioners @darleyns01, @ricci01, @maxdevalue, @uyobong and @tomas.enrique and works hand in hand with @sc-g, @sc-n and @sc-v which are accounts representatives of the Ghanaian parish, the Nigerian parish and the Venezuelan parish all based strictly on the blokchain.

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The Church over the years have grown in number and in grace and favor, and have finally managed to secure our own website based on the telos blockchain through the hardwork of our admins and our moderators. Being a member of the church is a very simple step to take as christians and with the advent of our new site which is to going to be used to share the heart token to parishioners, our white paper makes us know that this blessing is not limited to only parishioners.

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The process of been able to access this blessing of the heart token involves signing up at our new site, https://www.heart-church.org, the process is quite simple if you would only follow the instructions as stipulated on the site. After a successful registration you should be able access you jc suffix telos account with the private and public keys that you received by signing in to telos either online or via the wallet. All of which would be available in your mail once you receive these keys.

The Heart Token is not deemed as token rather as a blessing, but to make it easier for one to understand let me use the idea of an airdrop. According to our whitepaper there is a supply of 2,100,000,000 heart in total. The name of the heart is the beatitude and is symbolized by the heart. The church seeks to grow and to develop its members in faith and financial freedom, this is a step towards this goal. Members with the telos account thus those wearing the seal will receive the beatitude heart one per day until the total supply is fully distributed and this should usher the church into the new order.


We are also based on telegram as a community where we communicate and encourage each other aside what happens on the blockchains. Thus whoever is in need of any further directions, knowledge or guidance should seek out our telegram page and they will surely get the solution they seek.

Have A Blissful Week, Reference


It is a church for all

Thank you-@elyon , for participating in the expansion of our church. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice because they will be satisfied.
