We are called to serve and when our deed is done we get to be with our maker in peace to receive our crown of glory for a good work done and for supporting and spreading the growth of God's ministry.
[image source](heartchurch sc-g sc-v ghana neoxian palnet christian-trail)
Acts 13:36, For David, after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell asleep, was buried with his fathers.
There is absolutely nothing we can do about the past because events have already occured, the things that are to happen have happened, the best we can do is learn from it, the mistakes, the good decisions, etc and apply to our current lives using it to serve our own generation.
By doing so we serve a purpose for our people our own and we take the people of our time into greatness, into an era of spiritual enlightenment and growth same way John Wesley did in the old times, same way Martin Luther King did in the old days and many others.
May the Good Lord direct us into the path that helps us to do our very best to serve our generation and bring in greatness and spiritual growth. May you have a great week and thanks for reading.