Be happy.

in HeartChurch5 years ago


There will always be something that will make you angry and upset. Don't let daily difficulties and worries overshadow your life.

Our life is what we do, and we earn what we seek. If we only see sadness and anxiety in life, if we tend to exaggerate the minor difficulties, then we will find many problems that we will think about and talk about incessantly. Do not get carried away by sad and unpleasant thoughts.

Emotional depression brings great harm to health. But if we pay more attention to the positive side of life, we will acquire enough that will make us happy and happy.

"A joyful heart is good as medicine, but a bored spirit dries the bones" (Prov. 17:22).

Misfortune can happen to anyone; this is the inevitable destiny of human destiny. May patience, a spirit of gratitude and love shine in your heart, even though the day can be very rainy.

If we smile, these smiles will come back to us; If we say nice and kind words to people, they will tell us the same.

Sometimes people think that joy is incompatible with the dignity of a Christian character, but this is wrong.

Heaven is a plenitude of joy, and if our soul is filled with the joy of heaven and this joy is expressed in our words and deeds, it will be more pleasant for our Heavenly Father than to see us gloomy and boring.

If your heart is sad, try not to show it, let the light that emanates from a loving and grateful heart shine on your face. Free yourself from the harsh importance, delve into the needs of children and find their love, and you must win their favor if you want to capture the truth in their hearts.

Be cheerful and never rude and vulgar. If something bothers you, this is not a reason to lose your temper. As Christians get into the habit of maintaining a pleasant expression and try to make your voice as harmonious as possible. The angels of God are always close to your children, and your harsh, loud, and annoying voice is unpleasant to them.

Look at things in a joyous light, try to dispel the darkness that enveloped the soul. Show favor to people. Let joy, kindness, and love fill your home.


@eliliojas- At HeartChurch we are looking for committed people who can do a job in real time to bless the lives of many, for this reason we have established our rules for curation beyond a blog we want to establish a solid community with active participation in activities, check the latest Church updates or telegram any concerns.


So, you Do they mean that if we DO NOT interact in activities in your Community, we will not be able to continue posting on your blog?