My devotional today: Delight yourself in Jehovah!

in HeartChurch5 years ago

Delight yourself also in Jehovah,
And he will grant you the requests of your heart.
Psalms 37: 4 New King James Version (NKJV)

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If you ask me what is the first thing I do when I get up in the morning. I can simply answer that I start my personal devotional in prayer. Delighting in the presence of God is essential to have a good start to the day, because in the presence of God I am filled with joy, peace and much love. This gives me enough strength and energy to start my activities at home because of the quarantine.

Seeking God very early makes me start the day in victory and increases my faith because in prayer God reveals to me by his word what plans he has for me.

Being in the presence of God leads you to experience the love that God has for us and it is there, in that rich presence where you feel the tenderness of the Holy Spirit that embraces you.

When it is time to open your eyes, you realize that time has passed quickly, because in the presence of God we forget everything and focus on his love.

That is the best way to delight myself in the Lord. After I get up from prayer, I spend an important time reading the word of God. I delight in the wonderful promises he has for my health and for my family, as well as the promises of his love and protection for me and my entire family. There is nothing more pleasant than reading the word of God because there we know the will of God for us.

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I conclude my devotional with the greatest satisfaction of waiting on the Lord, because He tells us in the word that we read at the beginning, that "He will grant the requests of our hearts." Knowing how to wait on the Lord is a glorious thing because, after you delight in Him, you must be sure that what you have asked for already has.

Thanks for reading my devotional today.