3 For not by their sword did they take possession of the land, nor did their arm save them, but your right hand and your arm, and the light of your presence, because you took pleasure in them. 4 You are my king, O God; send victories to Jacob.
5 With you we will reject our adversaries; in your name we will trample down those who rise up against us. 6 For I will not trust my bow, nor will my sword save me; 7 for you have saved us from our adversaries, and have put to shame those who hate us. 8 In God we have boasted all day long, and we will praise your name forever. (Selah) Psalms 44: 3-8
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When we recognize that our victories and all the prosperity we have had come from God, we become dependent on God and a great spirit of humility grows within us.
The composer of Psalm 44 clearly recognizes that the victories of the people of Israel when they conquered the promised land, all came from God. The psalmist says: "For not with their sword did they take possession of the land, nor did their arm save them, but your right hand and your arm, and the light of your presence, because you took pleasure in them."
When God is pleased with his children, he gives them victory and protection over their enemies. We must be careful never to rob God of glory and humbly acknowledge that all that we are and possess we owe to God.
God is the one who fights our battles, He is the one who gives skill and strength to our arms and legs so that we can move with dominance and control in battles. God will always fight for us and will always meet our enemies to defeat them.
We must leave arrogance and pride for the goods and riches that we can have and recognize that all blessings come from God and all wealth comes from the power that He gives his children to make wealth on earth.
The Lord gave victory to the people of Israel over all their enemies and all the goods and riches that the enemies of Israel had, God gave them to his people as booty.
Let's not forget, dear reader, that victory only comes from God.

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