Greatest love of all has been commanded to us all according to the scriptures. Any man who doesn’t have the greatest love of love in him/her isn’t of God. The scripture laid down for us the two greatest love of all according to our Lord Jesus Christ. “Thou shall love thy God with all your heart, soul and might and the second is likely unto it, thou shall love thy neighbor as thy self”. These are the two greatest love of all.
So many of us find it difficult to keep these two commandment, if we claim to obey the first law and didn’t obey the second, then we are guilty and also, if we claim to obey the second without the first, then we are still guilty and incomplete.
Loving our neighbor as ourselves is very imperative, it is the will of God for us, but today, hatred as taken over our society, rich doesn’t want to help the poor, those in power find pleasure in tormenting the citizen, those in high position require a condition before rendering assistance. This isn’t God’s will for our life.
God Himself has demonstrated His love for us by given us His only begotten son to die for our sin, what greater love can be more than this for a man to lay down his life to save us. Jesus Himself agreed to pay the sacrifice, He surrender Himself just because of the Love He has towards us. No greater love can be more than this.
I encourage everyone today, to show love to everyone around you, your family, friends, community, relatives, everyone. Spread love to all, show them the love that Christ commanded of which He came to die for us and we shall be rewarded for it.
#Stay blessed.