in HeartChurch4 years ago


   Saturday memorial of Mary

(The presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary)
Readings: Revelation 11:4-12, Psalm 144, & Luke 20:27-40

Today the Church in a very special way celebrates the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary by his parent, Anne and Joachim. This is a foreshadowing of Jesus’ own presented in the temple. The Catholic Church is seen as giving much attention to Mary which is a problem for our other brothers. One thing is very sure that one cannot speak of the history of salvation without talking about Mary’s role. In fact, the true of the matter is that Mary points us to Jesus. The more you know Mary the better to come to understanding of the mysteries of Jesus.

The fact of the matter is. Those who accuse Catholics of giving too much honour and reverence to Mary often misinterpret the text of Matthew (12:46-50). They point to this as evidence that Jesus himself did not think that his mother had done anything particularly praise worthy in giving birth to him. So for them, Catholics are doing what is wrong and evil in the sight of God.

This should not be misinterpreted. Jesus’ criticism here is for those who claim salvation is anchored solely on their ancestry. Jesus asks these people to be doer of the will of God not just his brothers and sisters. If nothing at all, who is more qualified than the Blessed Virgin. In fact she did the will of God. She was dedicated from her earliest years, to claim distinction on both counts. Brothers and sisters in the Lord, she is not only the biological mother, but mother of Jesus as doer of the will of God.

As we celebrate the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin we pray this day that through her intercession, God may grant us the grace to be doers of his will. Peace and joy, Amen.


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