in HeartChurch4 years ago


29TH Sunday in Ordinary Time
Readings: Isaiah 45:1, 4-6, Psalm 96, 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5b, & Matthew 22:15-21.

     Whose mark of inscription is on you?

"Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God" (Matthew 22:21).

Jesus is Lord, praise him now and forever. As Jesus puts it very beautifully to the Pharisees so do I put it for us all to reflect upon "Whose mark of inscription is on you or who created you?". I want to believe your answer is God. So why is this memory text misinterpreted sometimes for our own evil desires?

The Pharisees are people who are wise, so are some of us, but God is wiser. They want to conner Jesus so to trap him because their evil deeds were uncovered. So they put this question to Jesus "Tell us then, what you think. Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar or not?" Jesus knowing their thoughts, asked that they brought to him a coin. He asked them "Whose likeness or inscription is on this coin". They answered, Caesar's.

Therefore give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and God what belongs to God. The logic here is *"Out earth God formed man. He breath into him the breath of life. Give him a place and everything he needs to make life worth living. Therefore man is accountable to God. Everything of him should be for God.

It is very surprising what Adam and Eve did, they made a choice by obeying Caesar(Satan) than God. Will we also follow them? It ended them in shame and they lost the glory of God.

In the vision of the prophet Isaiah God said "I call you by name, I surname you, I cloth you, though you do not know me". His purpose is that we may know him and give our all to him. But what do we see? We live as if we belong to the devil or as children of Satan (Caesar). It is because our deeds attest to these. Look at the things that come out us. They promote evil and not God. Listen to some songs. Have a look at some laws we make for our self, workplace, communities, and country. God does not have any place in these at all.

We have lost our true identity. We have reinscribe go our ourselves new identity. And this will not help us. It will bring us shame. Our work of faith and labour should be in hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, the author of life. For this reason the psalmist admonishes us to give to God glory and power. Doing all things for the glory of God.

Am I having the mark of inscription of God? Do my life reflects the image and likeness of God? Am I for Caesar or for God? Do my words and deeds promote God or Caesar? Lord Jesus Christ, help us to see our true identity so reflect it accordingly. God help us all. Peace and joy, Amen.


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