in HeartChurch5 years ago

Storms always appear throughout life but these are not forever since each storm has a purpose and expiration date because as they come they also disappear.

After the storm a rainbow always appears and this sign gives us hope knowing that we should not give up because later we will see the faithfulness and glory of God in every storm that appears.

It is for this reason that we must remain calm when we go through the tribulations and have conviction with faith and hope that God will not abandon us.


There are many people who are distressed in the middle of the storm and although they have the motto: "after the storm comes calm", God says to you: I am peace even in the middle of the storm! which means that God gives us calm in the midst of the storm that we can have confidence in God when we go through these tribulations because God will sustain us with his peace.

Isaiah 43: 2
2 When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and if by the rivers, they will not flood you. When you go through the fire, you will not be burned, nor will the flame burn in you.
(King James Version)


There is no doubt that God sustains us in the midst of adversities or tribulations that we can live, his hand will sustain us and his fidelity will remain forever, as this verse affirms in a significant way that God will give us life, sustenance, fertility and blessings.

In the Bible we find countless examples that sustain the faithfulness of God in the midst of difficulties. For example we can read in this verse the following:

Mark 4:39
39 And rising up, he rebuked the wind, and said to the sea: Be quiet, be silent. And the wind ceased, and a great calm.

In this verse we find that the Lord's disciples were experiencing a storm in the middle of the sea, a great windstorm had risen and threw the waves into the boat in such a way that it was already drowning and they were afraid but the Lord did not leave them alone in In the middle of the storm he presented himself and rebuked the winds and to the sea he said: shut up, the wind stopped and the bonanza ceased, showing also that he was the owner of the sea and the winds.

Today is no exception. God continues to work for his people and remains faithful. Let us trust that the storms experienced will soon pass and we will see his glory manifest.