in HeartChurch5 years ago

Gratitude is one of the great virtues that can be in the heart of a person since the Bible teaches us that God takes pleasure in a grateful heart.


Christian people should have this attitude as a virtue present in spiritual fruits and acknowledge gratitude before God in any situation giving thanks and praise with all their hearts.
We honor God when we recognize our dependence on him and prioritize him in all areas of our actions and situations.
The psalmist recognizes the goodness of God for him and describes this praise from his heart to refer to the grace and favor that God has given him

Psalm 138
138 I will praise you with all my heart;
Before the gods I will sing.
2 I will bow down to your holy temple,
And I will praise your name for your mercy and your faithfulness;
Because you have magnified your name, and your word above all things.
3 The day that I called, you answered me;
You strengthened me with vigor in my soul.
4 All the kings of the earth will praise you, O Lord,
Because they have heard the sayings of your mouth.
5 And they shall sing of the ways of the Lord,
Because the glory of the Lord is great.
6 For the Lord is exalted and cares for the humble,
But the haughty look from afar.
7 If I walk in the midst of distress, you will revive me;
You will stretch out your hand against the wrath of my enemies,
And your right hand will save me.
8 Jehovah will fulfill his purpose in me;
Your mercy, O Lord, is forever;
Do not forsake the work of your hands.

Really and according to what is established in his word, God wants us to seriously examine his word and give it all its value with a grateful heart and so we can live daily with a revealed truth to be able to direct in all areas of life.

Take comfort in the truth that God is present always and everywhere, do not doubt that if you stay in his presence the Lord will fulfill his purpose with you to honor your life.

The great men that God used to preach his word in ancient times have shown that God will fulfill his promises and purposes in the life of an individual because his word reminds us of the fulfillment and perfection of God's work in our life as God begins his work in the life of someone who commits himself to him and recognizes him as a father and continues it until it is absolutely and completely finished because a grateful heart does not reject God.

God is faithful and a heart full of gratitude recognizes him, a heart that recognizes God's favor and grace magnifies his name, cries out to God and waits because it trusts in his goodness.

God does not abandon the work of his hands and he will fulfill his promise in you and in me, we only have to be grateful and respond with gratitude to his fidelity.