in HeartChurch5 years ago

We all need from time to time to reflect on our thoughts and ask ourselves if they influence our life in a positive way or rather they translate into negative actions in our actions.

I remember that our thoughts have a lot to do with our lifestyle, so it is important to observe them and meditate if I am looking only at the limitations to overload myself with complaints or I am thanking for the favors I receive from God that are much more than what I do not receive. .

Watch your mind the more you complain the more you weaken, the more you appreciate the more you become stronger, gratitude is the feeling of gratitude that is normally experienced as a result of having received from someone something that was expected or needed, of having been helped in some difficult circumstance, among other situations.


The Bible advises us not to adapt to the thoughts of this world and to t

ROMANS 12: 2
"And do not adapt to this world, but transform yourselves by renewing your mind, so that you can verify what the will of God is: what is good and acceptable and perfect."

Not adapting to this world means a system without God means not adapting or adopting the norms of an age that displeases and violates God's principles. Rather, it means that it must be renewed and transformed through the renewal of our mind dedicated to the ideals of the kingdom of God and the will of the father, constantly checking and submitting what the will of God is, since to verify means to put to the test daily in the practice that it is God's will for us which is pleasing and perfect.