Certainly today the word justice, is very little used and very little fulfilled, many people currently live life in their own way and disrespect the laws that God established on earth, through men.
One of the things that the Lord asks in his word to his children is that we follow the example of Jesus, he when he lived on earth applied love, humility and above all Justice. This word contains many things with it, just is the one who knows how to keep the words of his heavenly father, the just person always obeys, justice is loving one's neighbor no matter where he comes from or how he is, being just is, being conformist and humble with what we have and what we receive daily; But, I believe that the most important thing is that a just person, enforces justice and constantly defends his beliefs, principles and values!
We were sinners but the Father for his love and mercy, forgive us and redeem us, that is, he gave us or a second chance and it is up to us to take advantage of it. It does not matter that we are the only ones who apply and believe in justice, let us remember that God is a King, Father, Friend and just Advocate and he in his time will do justice for us and judge the world in his own way, just leave everything in his hand and trust in his power, love and justice.
We can change the world, how? Applying justice, distributing justice, accepting, loving, sharing and looking for the best for others and for us! #vision2020
@gloriana071- At HeartChurch we are looking for committed people who can do a job in real time to bless the lives of many, for this reason we have established our rules for curation beyond a blog we want to establish a solid community with active participation in activities, check the latest Church updates or telegram any concerns.
@steemchurch Thank you very much for commenting, I will be on the lookout and will comply with the established rules and regulations. Blessings!