in HeartChurch5 years ago

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Exod.8.22 - But it will be very different in the land of Goshen, where the Israelites live. No flies will be found there. Then you will know that I am the LORD and that I have power even in the heart of your land.
Exod.8.23 - I will make a clear distinction between your people and my people. This miraculous sign will happen tomorrow.'"
Exod.8.24 - And the LORD did just as he had said. There were terrible swarms of flies in Pharaoh's palace and in every home in Egypt. The whole country was thrown into chaos by the flies.

As our world is undergoing a lot of negative upheavals, its important we understand that there's a provision by God to exempt us from danger.
Before we take benefit of physical protection, we must be aware of the spiritual provision of such protection.

Exod.9.25 - It left all of Egypt in ruins. Everything left in the fields was destroyed--people, animals, and crops alike. Even all the trees were destroyed.
Exod.9.26 - The only spot in all Egypt without hail that day was the land of Goshen, where the people of Israel lived.

God can do again the same things He did before.

Ps.91.1 - Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
Ps.91.2 - This I declare of the LORD: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I am trusting him.
Ps.91.3 - For he will rescue you from every trap and protect you from the fatal plague.
Ps.91.4 - He will shield you with his wings. He will shelter you with his feathers. His faithful promises are your armor and protection.
Ps.91.5 - Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night, nor fear the dangers of the day,
Ps.91.6 - nor dread the plague that stalks in darkness, nor the disaster that strikes at midday.
Ps.91.7 - Though a thousand fall at your side, though ten thousand are dying around you, these evils will not touch you.
Ps.91.8 - But you will see it with your eyes; you will see how the wicked are punished.
Ps.91.9 - If you make the LORD your refuge, if you make the Most High your shelter,
Ps.91.10 - no evil will conquer you; no plague will come near your dwelling.
Ps.91.11 - For he orders his angels to protect you wherever you go.

The provision of divine protection is for God's children that are conscious of the provision.
We must lay hold on the truth and allow it dominate our hearts.
When God's truth keeps our hearts, His shield will keep our lives.
Our peace on the inside determines our protection on the outside. We must be settled in God's truth.

To deny the existence of certain things is not faith, we should only believe that they can't come nigh our dwelling places because Faith does not deny facts, but faith does not allow the existence of facts to determine our outcome.

What we carry determines what we can handle.
Its not enough that God's a Protector, we must make Him our protector.
We must receive His truth and make it solidify our hearts.
We are preserved because God's our Habitation, Amen. Despite the plague, we ought to still go about our ways.

The Breathe of life gives breath to what we need and kills what we don't have need of.

Looking like we have faith, does not mean we have faith. Praying for others in their challenges/time of need and there happens to be a way for them does not mean we have faith for ourselves.


  1. To be separated from what others are subjected to.

  2. To be spared what others are suffering from.

  3. Removal from...i e Removing one from it Or Removing it from one.

  4. Division put between..

We are the light of the world, therefore we can't afford to leave our world in darkness. We need to access the light of God. Plagues are there but they don't have the right to determine our outcome.

Different Levels Of Divine Exemption;

  1. It is happening elsewhere but not happening where we are.

  2. It is out to get us, but it is blocked from finding or reaching us.

  3. It is affecting others but it does not have the power to affect or limit us. I.e Coming from a lineage with a peculiar situation does not mean that we have to suffer the same plague because we are from above and he that is from above is above all.

  4. We are in the same trouble like others but are not held back or tied down by it. The secret is not our location but our connection.

What The Children Of Israel Were Exempted From;

  1. Satanic attacks and oppression.

  2. Human evil and wickedness
    Exodus 1:8-10
    Satan alone is not the challenge, there are human agents of wickedness everywhere.
    We should engage scriptural provisions when faced by wicked and evil men.

  3. Agenda and schemes of captivity

Exod.1.8 - Then a new king came to the throne of Egypt who knew nothing about Joseph or what he had done.
Exod.1.9 - He told his people, "These Israelites are becoming a threat to us because there are so many of them.
Exod.1.10 - We must find a way to put an end to this. If we don't and if war breaks out, they will join our enemies and fight against us. Then they will escape from the country."

We must not be victims of satanic arrows, Amen.

  1. Sudden natural disasters and calamities.

It takes the supernatural to escape the mysterious and mystical.

Keys To Divine Exemption;

  1. The presence of God.

Exod.3.11 - "But who am I to appear before Pharaoh?" Moses asked God. "How can you expect me to lead the Israelites out of Egypt?"
Exod.3.12 - Then God told him, "I will be with you. And this will serve as proof that I have sent you: When you have brought the Israelites out of Egypt, you will return here to worship God at this very mountain."

Exod.13.21 - The LORD guided them by a pillar of cloud during the day and a pillar of fire at night. That way they could travel whether it was day or night.
Exod.13.22 - And the LORD did not remove the pillar of cloud or pillar of fire from their sight.

  1. The ministry of Angels
    i e Heaven's Defence Forces.

Ps.34.7 - For the angel of the LORD guards all who fear him, and he rescues them.

Heb.1.14 - But angels are only servants. They are spirits sent from God to care for those who will receive salvation.

Exod.23.20 - "See, I am sending my angel before you to lead you safely to the land I have prepared for you.

Before our enemies' get to us, they will go down for our sakes, Amen.

  1. The Name of the Lord.

The I Am That I Am.
We must not forget God's name when He gives it to us and we must not be slow in calling Him when the need arises..
Acts 4:12,
Psalm 91:14.

  1. The mantle of our man of God,

Hos.12.13 - Then the LORD led Jacob's descendants, the Israelites, out of Egypt by a prophet, who guided and protected them.

Exod.23.20 - "See, I am sending my angel before you to lead you safely to the land I have prepared for you.

Our man of God can never replace God but only represents God with the counsel/principles of God.

Even if we leave a City we must not lose the connection.
That's why the great Woman of Shunem went to seek Elisha where he was because of her dead child.
The mantle of our Man of God is for our help.

May God help me to remain connected to the revelation of His Name/Word,