in HeartChurch5 years ago


Ecclesiastes 3:1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: 3:2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

God created life on earth in a circle of time and seasons. The scripture above tells us why God created time. God created time for the accomplishment of purpose and visions.
Everything in life is measured by time. Everything in life requires time and takes time to become what it is meant to be. Performance, progress and achievement are all measured by time. So,learn to maximize every time you have.
Everyone has been given or allocated the same measure of 24 hours each day. No one can increase this available allocated time. Time appears inexhaustive but it is absolutely fixed and limited. No one can slow down or stop time. It is either utilized or wasted.


Time cannot be collected and stored for future use. No one can recall lost time. The skill of managing time well must therefore be learned and practiced.Your present level in life is a reflection of how you used your past time.Your future will be a reflection of how well you planned and invested your present time.
There is no such thing as free time only unplanned, unassigned and unallocated time. That you think is free was given to you by God for a specific purpose. Time will not utilize or invest itself on your behalf.
Do not let anyone waste their time and waste yours too. Time is the gift given by God to program a profitable future. The harvest on your use of time will never be denied.
What are you doing with your time?
Yesterday is your past time,today is the present and available time while tomorrow is the future inaccessible time. Make the best use of your time today.
Thanks for reading
Am sure you are blessed