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Life is about all about choices.what you get in life is as a result of the choices you make.If you choose differently you will succeed differently.
Discernment is the ability to distinguish and tell the difference between two or more choices .
Parents have the right to bring children to the world but its the children responsibility to choose how they will end up in life.
Deuteronomy 30:19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live
At times people afraid of making choices because they are afraid of the consequences but the truth is you can never run from making choices in life.
Life can close some doors against you but its your choice that keeps you behind those doors.The choices you make today will make you tomorrow.
Life will always present you with all available options, your choice will determine your ultimate outcome.
Discernment is comprehension, common sense and circumspection in the face of several options.
It not every road you must follow .
You can pray your journey on the wrong road and still end up in the wrong place
Becoming outstanding in life is a product of having several options but always sticking to the right choices.
Some tips in making the right choices
- Evaluate on all the possible options
- Listen to your instinct
3.Think of future consequences
4.check for your inner peace
5.check for family and friends support
6.Talk to God.
I believe some of these tips might help someone someday
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We indeed need discernment.
Thanks for sharing
You're welcome
We need discernment