Genuine Love

in HeartChurch8 months ago

Romans 12:9 Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.

Today, the Lord speaks expressly on genuine love, a love without deceit, pretence or hypocrisy. He says that our love for Him and others should not contain any intention to deceive people when truly in our hearts we are out for personal gain and lustful satisfaction of the flesh.

It's a full package from God because He went on to say that it's not enough to have genuine love, but we should have hatred for evil, not evil people.

As we hate evil, we should also ensure that we hold on to or be united, associated with what is good.

Brethren, please let us check our hearts through the mirror of this message, that we may correct every existing errors and live by this word. God bless us.

Let's pray together.
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for your love in our hearts. Please purge us clean and help us to live like you on earth, in Jesus name. Amen.