The Rewards

in HeartChurch7 months ago

Revelation 22:12 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.

The Lord shall come quickly. It is not a fairly tale, it is the truth. Don't be caught off guard. Don't even think He has delayed, for a thousand years is like one day to Him, thus since the resurrection of Christ, God has only counted less than three days.

By quickly, He also implied suddenly. There will be no time to right the wrongs when the trumpet sounds. The only time we have is now, tomorrow is not a guarantee.

The question is, is your lifestyle worthy of His rewards?

Don't be caught unawares like the people in the time of Noah. They thought Noah was wasting time doing what He does not know for hundred years. When they least expected, the flood came and it was too late to enter salvation.

X-ray your life in Christ Jesus today. For He shall come quickly and His rewards are still according to our works.

Let's pray together.
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for preparing great rewards for us. Please, by your Spirit empower us to live worthy of rewards, in Jesus name. Amen